Welcome to the jobs in the civil construction industry!

See how at the centre we start with people with no formal qualifications, and it moves outward to people with degrees.

See how from the 12 o’clock position you start at the most technically civil roles, and then move clockwise to more general roles.

See how you can move through an entire career…including even if you want to set up your own business.

Now imagine yourself, or someone you care about, moving through the different jobs…constructing a career.


Site Hand

Site Hand

Site Hand is the core of the team and a great place to start your career in civil. They do all the jobs on a civil construction site that do not require specialists.

 Salary Range $55k to $90k


Plant Operator

Plant Operator

A Plant Operator sits in and controls all the mobile heavy machines you see moving earth on constructions sites - we call machines ‘plant’.

 Salary Range $60k to $140k


Road Constructor

Road Constructor

From preparing the foundations, laying the base, to topping with concrete or asphalt, a Road Constructor builds the side streets and motorways we all drive on.

  Salary Range $70k to $130k


Bridge Constructor

Bridge Constructor

A bridge constructor gets to prepare for, construct and commission all the bridges big and small that we drive on, walk on and that trains go over.

 Salary Range $70k to $130k

Leading Hand

Leading Hand

The first step in managing people, a Leading Hand will look after a small civil work team of up to 15 people.

Salary Range $85k to $140k

Project Manager

Project Manager

Experienced PM’s make sure the job gets done on time, under cost, and to the right quality. Their job is to think about the problems before they happen!

Salary Range $130k to $300k